Before and After
The Reason that we don't recommend before and after is because the real result is when you wash your hair at home yourself. ONe can get a false sense of what your hair will be like leaving the salon because I do push the hair as far as the service will allow with keeping the hair as healthy as possible and not being injured. This is why it is so important to use top tier products like Pureology nanoworks, Kevin Murphy, etc. This will make services have the best results as the chemicals i used and those products used at home work in conjunction to give the best results possible from a particular service. Rarely but from time to time some people may have small amounts of texture as this was done to keep the hair healthy. The higher the level of service the more potential for texture removal exists. On a damaged head of hair the lower level japanese services (level 1 to 3) will potentially leave small varying amounts of textural undulations to protect the condition of the hair. If you have questions please ask!!!!